
Organisations Data Bank

British/Iranian Organisations Data Bank List

This Community Directory is a listing of known organisations and groups that cater for British-Iranians and other Persian-speaking members of our society.

It is our aim to facilitate connections, promote partnerships and to signpost members of our community to services that best cater for their needs.

Ultimately, we like to see all sections of our community supported and integrated.

The development of this listing is continuous, as we review and update to ensure it is comprehensive and up to date.

There is no doubt there are other organisations in existence that should be listed, but are missing in this Directory.

Details in this listing are obtained through desk research and the information is already in the public domain.


راهنمای سازمان ها و گروه های اجتماعی،فرهنگی، عملی و غیر انتفاعی فارسی زبانان بریتانیا

این راهنما شامل سازمان ها و گروه هائی است که به ایرانیان و سایر اقوام فارسی زبان مقیم بریتانیا خدمات ارائه می کنند.

امیدواریم که این فهرست، درضمن تسهیل دسترسی شما به این خدمات، تسهیل گرارتباط  و همکاری بین خود این گروه ها نیز باشد.

بدون شک هستند سازمانهائی که در این تعریف می گنجند، اما نامشان در این راهنما ذکر نشده است. اما این راهنما در حال گسترش است و امیدواریم که در آینده فهرست کاملتری در اختیار شما قرار دهیم.

چنانچه فکر می کنید نام سازمان شما از قلم افتاده است، ممنون خواهیم شد اگر با فرستادن ایمیل به info@pouyesh.org.uk  ما را مطلع کنید.

با سپاس و امید همکاری بیشتر

Animal Welfare Charities

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
London Persian Rescue N/ARescues, rehabilitates, educates and rehomes Persian cats. www.london-persian-rescue.co.uk

Academic Institutions and Charities

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
Omid Trust N/A Currently co-funds the Omid Cambridge Scholarship at the University of Cambridge, in partnership with the Cambridge Trust. The scholarship is available to Iranian students for one-year taught masters degrees www.omidtrust.com
SOAS Iranian Society N/A An informal, open and casual platform for all things Iran-related at SOAS. www.soasunion.org/activities/society/6631/
British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS) موسسه ایرانشناسی بریتانیا To promote and encourage the study of Iran, its history, civilisation and culture in all periods, including the archaeology of Iran www.bips.ac.uk
SOAS (Centre for Iranian Studies) N/A - www.soas.ac.uk/smei-cis/members
Oxford University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Persian Studies N/A - www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/persian-0
Edinburgh University (Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies) (PersianStudies) N/A - www.ed.ac.uk/literatures-languages-cultures/islamic-middle-eastern/undergraduates/studying-persian
Persia Educational Foundation N/A - www.persia.education
St. Andrews University (Institute of Iranian Studies) N/A - www.iranian.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk
Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum N/A An association devoted to the collection and publication of Iranian inscriptions and documents.  www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/projects/academy-research-projects-corpus-inscriptionum-iranicarum
University of Exeter (Centre for Persian and Iranian Studies) N/A - www.socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/iais/research/centres/cpis/
Ancient India & Iran Trust (Cambridge) N/A An independent specialist library based in Cambridge. www.indiran.org

Business and Professional Associations

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
Anjoman N/A - www.anjoman.co.uk
Iranian Women's Association (IWA) انجمن زنان ایرانی UK based international members association for Iranian women. Aims to build a global network of Iranian female professionals. Networking events, seminars and mentorship. www.iranianwomenassociation.com

Charities working in Iran from UK

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
Doostan دوستان - www.doostan.co.uk
Panah Ltd (previously Iran's Children Charity) خیریه کودکان پناه - www.panahchildrencharity.org
Mohammad Salehi Medical Fund بنیاد محمد صالحی - www.irancharity.org.uk
Kahrizak London N/A Make grants to Kahrizak Charity Foundation in Iran (https://kahrizakcharity.com/en/). New Years (Norooz) fundraising Bazaars are held in London. -
Laila Salehzehi Charitable Foundation N/A - www.lailafoundation.org
Omid Mehr (Omid Foundation) N/A - www.omidfoundation.com
Popli Khalatbari Charitable foundation N/A - www.pkcf.com
Friends of the Iranian Haemophilia Society/ Arjan Ala Charitable Trust (AACT) N/A Supporting the charitable work of the Iranian Comprehensive Haemophilia Care Centre in Iran. -
Kaveh Foundation (previously named Iranian Aid) N/A Predominantly helps people living in Fars State, Iran. -
Mehr Cultural Foundation N/A To provide assistance and support for children and young adults from impoverished households and families in connection with their education, health and well being through financial or material supportal grants www.mehrculturalfoundation.co.uk
Science & Arts Foundation (SAF) N/A To provide the youth of the developing world with educational opportunities, particularly in information technology and internet, enjoyed in the industrial world. -

Cultural Organisations

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
Anjoman Sokhan (registered as a UK charity under the name Forum Iran) انجمن سخن - www.sokhan.co.uk
British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS) موسسه ایرانشناسی بریتانیا To promote and encourage the study of Iran, its history, civilisation and culture in all periods, including the archaeology of Iran www.bips.ac.uk
Centre for the promotion of Persian Language and Literature N/APromoting Persian Language and culture through out London and UK. www.cppll.com/about-us
Iran Society N/A - www.iransociety.org
Iranian Community and Farsi Speaking Association of Bournemouth (Dorset) N/A Promoting Persian culture and languages. Reach out to people of Persian (Iranian) origin to enhance confidence and for empowerment. Network between and within communities to improve cohesion. Advocate and support family values. Promote mental and physical well-being. -
Jaleh Esfahani Cultural Foundation بنیاد فرهنگی ژاله اصفهانی - www.jalehesfahani.com
Library for Iranian Studies/Caspian Cultural Centreکتابخانه مطالعات ایرانی - www.iranianlibrary.org.uk
Magic of Persia N/A Promotes Iranian art and culture to a wider audience outside of Iran, and strives to make a notable contribution to its long-term advancement worldwide. This is accomplished by establishing programmes in modern and contemporary Iranian art, music, media and academia in partnership with world-class institutions. www.magicofpersia.com/index.php?rel=about_us
Persian-Welsh Cultural Society خانه ایرانیان ولز Organising and holding regular events to celebrate traditional Persian yearly events; Running of Persian library with over 2000 Persian books; Running of regular monthly poetry nights; film and discussion sessions; Provision of computers and internet. Educational and training workshops. Farsi and IT classes for interested parties. -
Iranian Community Service N/A Providing recreation and leisure facilities for the benefit of the Iranian Community in Enfield -
Dorood N/A To provide new artists such as musicians painters and actors with facilities and space to work from. Operates in Ealing. www.dorood.co.uk
Inter Cultural Centre N/A To promote cultural cohesion through educational activities across religious and cultural boundaries within the context of humanitarian endeavors based on the principles of Human Rights www.interculturalcentre.org
Ancient India & Iran Trust (Cambridge) N/A An independent specialist library based in Cambridge. www.indiran.org
Toos Foundation بنیاد توس - www.toosfoundation.com

Elderly Clubs and Services

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
Farsophone Association انجمن فارسوفون در بریتانیا Gatherings for older people www.farsophone.org.uk
Iranian Welfare Association مرکز همیاری ایرانیان Gatherings for older people www.ukiwa.org
Inspired N/ABefriending for the elderly to help relieve them from isolation www.inspired-humans.com
Persian Care Centre انجمن شاهین Gatherings for older people www.shahinpersiancarecentre.co.uk/home/4594474891

Film and Theater

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
UKIFF (United Kingdom Iranian Film Foundation) N/A Organise the London Iranian Film Festival; an annual, independent film festival held in London in the autumn. www.ukiff.org.uk
Kooch Foundation بنیاد کوچ Kooch Foundation is a support group for all Iranian artists who are based in the UK and across Europe. www.koochfoundation.com
Jasmin Films N/A- www.jasminfilms.com
Parsa Productions/Parsa Theatre Company N/A Producing and staging theatre Production in Farsi as well as English. Theatre workshops for elderly Farsi speakers; identifying and challenging problems such as isolation, depression and integration through comedy. -

Medical/Disability & Health Organisations

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیArea of WorkWebsite
Iranian Disability Support Association (IDSA)اانجمن حمایت از معلولین ایرانیProvides advice and information on disability to Iranian and Farsi speaking disabled people, their carers and families. Other services include: form filling, interpreting and translation. www.iraniandsa.org/index.php/farsi/
Iranian Medical Society UK انجمن پزشکی ایرانیان مقیم بریتانیا Supports the Persian speaking medical community in the UK www.iranianmedicalsociety.org.uk
British Iranian Medical Association (BIMA) N/AMembership is open to all UK doctors, dentists, medical and dental students, as well as any other interested healthcare professionals. www.facebook.com/BIMAUK
Mohammad Salehi Medical Fund بنیاد محمد صالحی - www.irancharity.org.uk
Farsophone Association انجمن فارسوفون در بریتانیا Provides counselling and psychotherapy services www.farsophone.org.uk
Persian Care Centre انجمن شاهین - http://www.shahinpersiancarecentre.co.uk/home/4594474891
The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Health Forum N/A- www.bmehf.org.uk
Chrysalis Craft Coventry N/ARun sessions and activities to help with healing, using art and different artistic methods for wellbeing. Focussing on disadvantaged adult women immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. www.chrysaliscov.com
Friends of the Iranian Haemophilia Society/ Arjan Ala Charitable Trust (AACT) N/ASupporting the charitable work of the Iranian Comprehensive Haemophilia Care Centre in Iran. -
Multilingual Wellbeing Services (MWS) N/A"Work to promote mental health and wellbeing in linguistic and culturally appropriate ways to all ethnic groups across the borough of Barnet." www.multilingualwellbeing.org.uk


Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیWebsite
Jashnvarah Moseghi Londonجشنوارۀ موسیقی ایرانی لندن www.facebook.com/jashnvareh.moseghi
Navahang استودیو نواهنگ www.navahang.com
Sornai Music SchoolN/A www.sornai.co.uk/about-us

Publishing/Newspapers and Magazines

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیWebsite
Mehri Publishingنشر مهری www.mehripublication.com
Satrap Publishingانتشارات ساتراپ www.satrap.co.uk

Refugee/Community Organisations

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
Barnet Refugee ServiceN/AVarious services to all refugees from all countries including Iran www.b-r-s.org.uk
Iranian Community Centre (Barnet)کانون ایرانیانBased in Barnet. Provides advice and information and referral services to Iranians and other Farsi speakers in the fields of immigration, welfare, education, self-employment, Business Advice, youth issues-
The Community Network Group (CNG)N/AOffers information and advice on immigration, welfare and housing. Also organises cultural activities. www.cng.org.uk
Iranian Associationجامعۀ ایرانیانProvides tailored services for adults, young and older people dealing with over 20,000 requests annually for information/advice on a wide range of issues such as education, citizenship, health, welfare, immigration, culture and arts/crafts. www.iranianassociation.org.uk
Iranian Welfare Associationمرکز همیاری ایرانیانAdvice, advocacy and information; Education and Skills training. Particularly in the borough of Haringey. www.ukiwa.org
Farsophone Associationانجمن فارسافون در بریتانیاProvides welfare and legal service www.inspired-humans.com
Persian Advice BureauN/AProvides assistance and advocacy to asylum seekers and those granted refugee status in the UK, in particular Iranians and Farsi speakers. www.facebook.com/persianadvicebureau
Iranian Advisory & Support AgencyN/AOperates in north London-
Chrysalis Craft CoventryN/ARun sessions and activities to help with healing, using art and different artistic methods for wellbeing. Focussing on disadvantaged adult women immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. www.chrysaliscov.com
The Persian HomeN/APromotion of social inclusion, for the public benefit among people who are refugees and asylum seekers in particular but not exclusively those of an iranian origin and their families resident in the united kingdom who are socially excluded on the grounds of their social and economic position, in particular but not exclusively by providing education and training in the english language -
InspiredN/AAssist new arrivals into the UK with integration into the community, for instance through the facilitation of community activities and events. Provide advice, advocacy, counselling and information. www.inspired-humans.com
Paiwand (Afghan Association Paiwand Ltd)N/ASupporting refugees in North West London www.paiwand.com

Persian Schools

School's Nameنام مدرسه به فارسیWebsite
Tarbiyat School مدرسه زبان فارسی تربیت www.tarbiyat.co.uk
Samad Behrangi Schoolمدرسه فارسی صمد بهرنگی www.behrangischool.co.uk
Persian Language OnlineN/A www.persianlanguageonline.com
Hadaf Schoolمدرسه ایرانی هدف www.hadafpersianschool.co.uk
Persian classes at the Iranian Libaryانستیتوآموزش زبان و ادبیات فارسی www.persianinstitute.co.uk/en/about
Kanoon Iranکانون ایران www.kanooniran.org.uk
Persian-Welsh Cultural Societyخانه ایرانیان ولز-
Rustam Schoolمدرسه رستم www.en.rustamschool.co.uk
Razi Schoolمدرسه ایرانی رازی www.razischooluk.weebly.com
MTO International Persian School (online)مدرسه فارسی MTO www.mtopersianschool.com/en
Hafez Persian Schoolآموزشگاه فارسی آموزی حافظ www.hafezpersianschool.co.uk/About
Reeshe Persian School Cambridgeمدرسه فارسی ریشه www.educ.cam.ac.uk/networks/cricle/languages/schools/persian
Liverpool Ferdowsi Farsi Schoolمدرسه فردوسی لیورپول www.icsliverpool-farsischool.com/School_e/index.html

Women's Organisations and Experts

Organisationنام سازمان به فارسیActivitiesWebsite
Iranian Welfare Associationمرکز همیاری ایرانیانSelf Help Groups for Women www.ukiwa.org
Iranian Women's Association (IWA)انجمن زنان ایرانیUK based international members association for Iranian women. Aims to build a global network of Iranian female professionals. Networking events, seminars and mentorship. www.iranianwomenassociation.com
Refugee Women's AssociationN/ARefugee Women's Association works to empower and enable refugee, migrant and asylum seeking women with their journey to integration. www.refugeewomen.org.uk
Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (IKWRO) سازمان دفاع از حقوق زنان ایرانی و کرد،IKWRO IKWRO provides advice, support, advocacy and referrals in Arabic, Kurdish, Dari and Farsi to women and girls living in Britain, in particular helping women facing domestic violence, forced marriage, 'honour'-based violence and female genital mutilation (FGM). Also provides training, International conferences, seminars, and counselling in Kurdish, Farsi, Arabic and English. www.ikwro.org.uk
Chrysalis Craft CoventryN/ARun sessions and activities to help with healing, using art and different artistic methods for wellbeing. Focussing on disadvantaged adult women immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. www.chrysaliscov.com
InspiredN/AProvide support and advocacy for victims of domestic violence. Help victims with legal and welfare problems. www.inspired-humans.com
Middle Eastern Women & Society Organisation (MEWSO)N/ASupports Middle Eastern, North African and Asian women in London to rebuild their lives www.mewso.org

Have your say and express your views

We welcome your ideas on topics that we should address and present,
which are of interest to you and that you think impacts on our wider community.
Write to us at info@pouyesh.org.uk